Hello. Anita motivated me to blog. I seemed to have forgotten about readnoemos. Blogging holds no meaning for me but why am i still holding a blog? Because i like readnoemos.
When someone thinks of you importantly and wants you for who you are and really needs you. Think twice. Do you need a person who needs you for who you are? The past will never fall upon you again, only the aches does.
The past like god high and above not reachable, the aches like devils so approachable.
Cant seems to move on is an excuse to NOT forget anything, because I moved on, and forgot everything. Every little details of how we started initially. Every quarrels we had. Every laughters we shared. What else have I missed.
Till you mentioned, now I seems to remember. Arh, the pain they healed the scars were gone and you became my friend again.
Sidetrack, f by the sorethroat medicine which I am suppose to suck in my mouth. eeks they taste bitter and bittest of all. I see blood in my nose when I rub it. I taste phelgm anytime I cough and me thinks it taste better than the medi. I took the 'find your crushes on fb" test and guess what? haha von isnt in the list and me is soooo disappointed. Submissions are done and so is me.